Can Fish Die from Overfeeding and How Much Food Is Enough

Can Fish Die from Overfeeding and How Much Food Is Enough

Fish are opportunistic eaters and will use any chance they have to eat. In most cases, that means they will beg for food anytime their feeder approaches the feeding spot. Or whenever another human passes by. Can you — or another well-wishing household member — overfeed the fish? Definitely. Will it harm them? The occasional…

Corydoras sleeping under a small Cryptocoryne Wendtii leaf.

What Is a Root Feeder Plant: Definition, Species, Fertilization

What did you just buy from the fish store? Is it a root-feeding plant or a water column feeder? The terms are used quite often among fish keepers. And even though the distinction is somewhat artificial, it has practical applications. It helps plan our tank layout, choose substrate, and fertilization method (if any). To illustrate…

Blue sand planted aquarium at night.

When to Add Live Plants: Before or After Cycling the Aquarium?

Plants contribute massively to any self-sustainable ecosystem. That’s true for terrestrial and aquatic species alike. When it comes to the aquarium hobby, plastic plants certainly are an option. They are not without merits, but live plants add so much more. Their value stretches far beyond aesthetics. They are dynamic, actively contributing members of any aquatic…