Old Tank Syndrome: Signs, Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Old Tank Syndrome: Signs, Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Old tank syndrome can happen to any tank. Just like new tank syndrome doesn’t occur only in newly set tanks, old tank syndrome isn’t reserved for aged aquariums. Old tank syndrome refers to poor water quality rather than actual aquarium age. It can and likely will appear in any unattended tank. The main signs of…

Aquarium Snails Care: Tank Setup, Food, Medication, Breeding

Aquarium Snails Care: Tank Setup, Food, Medication, Breeding

Snails are excellent additions to most aquariums. They are great cleaners, have interesting personalities, and most species are beautiful. Regardless of species-specific variables, the optimum tank conditions for aquarium snails share many similarities. Here they are in a nutshell: These are the basic aspects of aquarium snail care. Master them and you will have success…

Celestial Pearl Danio Care: Tank Setup, Feeding, Breeding

Celestial Pearl Danio Care: Tank Setup, Feeding, Breeding

Are danios nano fish? Small tanks aren’t great for zebra danios who are hyperactive swimmers that need space to dart around. But celestial pearl danios, also known as galaxy rasbora, are excellent nano fish. Colorful, peaceful, small, and not the most avid swimmers, a shoal of these beautiful little fish will brighten up any tank….

Nerite Snail Care, Feeding, Breeding, Buying

Nerite Snail Care, Feeding, Breeding, Buying

Algae are among the commonest challenges in the fishkeeping hobby. Luckily, nerite snails are among the popular gastropods in the hobby, too. Nerite snails are the best algae-eating aquarium snails. While others nibble occasionally, nerites actively seek algae to graze off the glass, driftwood, hardscape, and substrate. Pair this with their amazing looks and you…

Chocolate rabbit snail

Rabbit Snail Care, Food, Tank Setup, Breeding, Purchasing

Rabbit snails are some of the most fascinating mollusks in the fishkeeping hobby. Their unique appearance and captivating behavior make these versatile scavengers a welcome addition to any peaceful tank. What’s more, rabbit snails are relatively easy to care for in a tropical tank. They like warm water, slow flow at the bottom, decent hardness,…

Yellow mystery snail

Mystery Snail: Care, Food, Tank Setup, Breeding, Illnesses

Mystery snails are awesome! While not the most voracious algae eaters, they clean detritus and decaying plant matter, add a lot of color and character to the tank, and snail-dive like crazy. Taking care of mystery snails isn’t the easiest thing in the fishkeeping world — they aren’t guppy, after all — but it isn’t…